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SATELITE According to orbits satelites are two types 1.Geo-stationary satelites 2.Sun-Synchronus satelites 1.GEO-STATIONARY SATELITES The geo stationary satelites are located at very high altitudes....approximately 36000Km above the earth. * They revolve at a speed which matches the rotation of earth (24hours),so they seem to be stationary relative to earth surface *These satelite are put in equatorial plane orbiting from west to east * These coverage limited to 70 degree north to 70 degree south *These satelite are used in communication and meteorological activities..ex..VIZ GOES,INSAT,METEOSAT,INTELSAT...ETC
2.SUN-SYNCHRONOUS SATELITES.. * Remortsensing satelite are designed to follow an inclined north-south orbit * A satelite in this orbit has an inclination that carries the satelite track west word at a rate,,such that it cover each area of the earth at a constant time of the day called loca sun time as the satelite move from north to south * All remortsensing satelites are grouped in this category * ex...LANDSAT, SPOT,IRS SATELITES, NOAA ,TIROS,HCMN,SKYLAD,SPACE SHUTTLE ETC

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