GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTION 1.Primary production refors to all part of the energy fix by plant processing chlorophyll. Productivity refers to the rate of production on a unit area basis . 2..The total amount of solar energy converted into chemical energy by green plants is called gross primary production (Gpp) 3.A certain portion of GPP is utilised by plants ,known as respiration and the residue is known as NPP .....AND GPP=NPP+R
3.Facter affecting primary production... a..Light intensity b..The quantum efficiency of light c..Arrangement of leaves d..Leaf area index e.types of plant..C3 OR C4


SATELITE According to orbits satelites are two types 1.Geo-stationary satelites 2.Sun-Synchronus satelites 1.GEO-STATIONARY SATELITES The geo stationary satelites are located at very high altitudes....approximately 36000Km above the earth. * They revolve at a speed which matches the rotation of earth (24hours),so they seem to be stationary relative to earth surface *These satelite are put in equatorial plane orbiting from west to east * These coverage limited to 70 degree north to 70 degree south *These satelite are used in communication and meteorological activities..ex..VIZ GOES,INSAT,METEOSAT,INTELSAT...ETC
2.SUN-SYNCHRONOUS SATELITES.. * Remortsensing satelite are designed to follow an inclined north-south orbit * A satelite in this orbit has an inclination that carries the satelite track west word at a rate,,such that it cover each area of the earth at a constant time of the day called loca sun time as the satelite move from north to south * All remortsensing satelites are grouped in this category * ex...LANDSAT, SPOT,IRS SATELITES, NOAA ,TIROS,HCMN,SKYLAD,SPACE SHUTTLE ETC

Milk equality..and cows

           DAIRY FARMING...
Mainly in our country two types of cow breed are found.....
2.foreign breed


These are pure Indian breed cow..mainly found in the perimeter of India...having A2.quality milk with good fat content.The A2 milk have high medicinal value as compair to A1 milk.
Mainly A2 milk is an anti-cancer agent...due its good hygenic quality it has high market value as compair to A1 milk......

2.Foreign breed

These cows are having high milking capacity but poor quality of milk..with low fat content...and this is A1 type milk
.mainly this not suitable for our causes cancer, heart attack, high blood we should not drink it